Welcome to Marrow Donor

Welcome to marrowdonor.blogspot.com! This is a blog that has been setup in support of our friend Lars Larsen, who was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. Lars is a 39 year-old, married father of two beautiful little girls, currently living in Columbus, Ohio.
Lars originally hails from San Jose, California, which is where we met him. We're trying to rally support for him on his quest for a suitable bone marrow transplant. This is where you can help Lars, and the myriad of others who suffer from this disease.
We'll use this as a forum to track Lars' battle and to post information on donating bone marrow. Please spread the word, by passing this on to anyone you know.
Help us, help Lars.
Mike & Sonya Lee
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Hello Lars,
It's Michelle T. I do most of my communicating to you through Monica, but this is a good way to talk to you directly. Before the creation of this blog spot, my computer's home page was a blog spot of another good friend who recently had tonsil cancer, who also is young and has two little girls. She underwent chemo and radiation and recently was declared "cancer-free." Her blog was a great encouragement to her and a wonderful way to stay updated for friends and family. I have now made your blog my home page. I encourage you and anyone else to read her emotional journey and the strength she received from God along the way. The website is: http://www.cancerwillnotwin.blogspot.com/ The girls and I pray for you and your family every night and I've enlisted the prayers of my family and friends as well. I'm confident there's a wonderful plan for you and a matching donor will be part of that story.
With Love,
The latest is that they have FOUND A PERFECT BONE MARROW MATCH FOR LARS! Lars we are so happy for this news and praise God for it! I realize you have a 28 day chemo treatment to get through first but we all know you can do it. You've done it before and you are so strong. You have so many supporting you and who love you. I'm confident that the transplant will go smoothly and you will be rid of this cancer in a short time. Hang in there and we continue to pray for you and your family.
From one Ninja warrior to another...
hi uncle lars. I hope you get well soon. I hope I can come out and see you. See you soon. love,
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