Continuing the Fight
I’ve decided to keep the blog up with the hope that some of the information that was originally compiled in support of Lars may be helpful to others who are fighting the battle against Leukemia. Lars fought a valiant fight, so it’s important that we all honor his legacy by continuing to spread the word about the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) registry. I think it’s something that he would have wanted.
Please consider testing and inclusion in the NMDP registry if you have not already done so. The donor that was found for Lars didn’t come from his circle of friends & family (because a match couldn’t be found), but rather from a Good Samaritan that had registered out of consideration for those fighting Leukemia.
There’s no doubt in my mind that Lars would have been first in line to register himself, had he been faced with the same request.
Please also consider a donation to Savannah & Sorina's educational fund. Checks made payable to "The Savannah & Sorina Larsen Education Fund" may be sent to:
Savannah & Sorina Larsen Education Fund
Fifth Third Bank
Lewis Center Branch
8877 Owen Field Dr.
Powell, OH 43065
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you that assisted in Lars’ cause. Difficult circumstances tend to expose ones true colors and this experience certainly demonstrated that Lars was surrounded by people of impeccable character. It has certainly been a privilege to meet and get to know many of you.
Respectfully yours,
Our deepest condolences to Monica, Savannah and Sorina. We are friends of Nels and Nicole in California. Please watch for a donation which was mailed directly to the bank last week.
Take care,
The Kobayashi Family
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