Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Brother Lars

I know so many of you know and have become very good friends with Lars. So I want to explain Lars from my perspective. Lars Larsen was a piece of work. We are all keenly aware that Lars had a rough exterior. For those who were brave enough to break him down, this is what you found.

You found a witty, caring, genuine person who always made the time to make you laugh and smile. From the time Lars was a child to his untimely death Lars always kept things light. Lars had a great perspective of life. As a man, husband, and father Lars always wanted to do the right thing and he always used humor in his approach.

Lars always had a knack for scaring me. From riding down Mt. Hamilton on the wrong side of the road to standing on a ledge looking over half dome in Yosemite, Lars had a passion for adventure as dangerous as it was. Lars eventually mellowed a tad and found the right side of the road. I call her Monica.

I also call her Lars’ equal. He had to marry her, because she was the only person who could handle him 24 hours a day. Together they made the perfect team. On their team they had the Zag family, the Larsen family, and two up and coming superstars named Savannah and Sorina. When my brother became sick, it was devastating, unfair, and cruel.

Why did this have to happen to a man who had so much to offer? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Lars has affected everyone he knows long term. Everyone should be able to take a piece of Lars and instill him into your life. Take the time to figure out what it is and make him a part of your daily life. Lars has taught me so much. I can take so many things from him….he was successful in so many different ways. I want to share some with you today:

Lars found happiness in his family and job

Lars was successful academically and professionally

Lars always gave people the benefit of the doubt

Lars knew how to forgive and forget

Lars would always do the right thing and tell you if you didn’t

Lars had friends from all walks of life

Lars was always willing to help

Lars was pretty damn funny

Lars had energy (lots of it)

Lars was a hard worker…never afraid to get his hands dirty

Lars had faith and found peace

Lars had a lot of love and most importantly…

Lars was a fighter

Lars is a champion in so many ways and his team are champions as well. We have all learned so much through Lars. I know Lars has touched all of you in some way and it is my sincerest hope that he lives on in everyone here today.

Nels Larsen


The following is the eulogy that Lars' brother Nels gave at his viewing on June 11th...

Lars Christian Larsen was born on April 17,1967 in San Jose, California. Lars enjoyed childhood to its fullest. Lars swam and played water polo competitively, enjoyed the company of his friends, and always made the best of any situation. Lars always found the right moment to make those around him laugh.

In high school, Lars was always the center of attention, just as he finds himself again today. From wearing ridiculous Hawaiian shirts to school everyday and finding himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, Lars always made those around him smile and laugh. Lars went on to San Jose State University where he was able to find 30,000 more people to entertain. Lars spent his college years studying advertising, life guarding at the San Jose State swim pool, working at Raging Waters Waterslide Park, and the Athletes Foot shoe store.

In Lars’ life of leisure he became friends with so many different people. His energy, smile, and complete zaniness always drew people to him. Lars was kind to everyone. It never mattered who you were…if you could handle Lars; he would be your friend. Lars earned a degree in advertising from San Jose State. After college, Lars decided he liked school so much; he would try it in another state.

Ohio became the new home for Lars. Lars attended The Ohio State University and pursued his dream of becoming a dentist. Dr. Lars Larsen graduated from The Ohio State Dental School in 2000. Lars made the state of Ohio and all of its residents his new friends. While attending Ohio State, Lars met his equal. We all know her as Monica. Lars finally found someone who could handle him 24 hours a day and they married.

Lars and Monica moved to Central Michigan where Lars practiced dentistry. In, August of 2001 Savannah Larsen was born. In March of 2004, Lars’ second daughter Sorina was born. Lars was able to do what few people in this world could. He was able to live with three girls. Those girls were the light of Lars’ life. Lars would do anything to make those girls happy and smile everyday. Lars and his family moved back to Ohio and he began to practice at Whetstone Dentistry in Ohio. While practicing dentistry, Lars was able to meet and interact with so many people. He made going to the dentist fun.

People loved to come and see Doctor Lars and he loved people in return. Everyone left Whetstone Dentistry with a smile on their face after seeing Lars. That is just the kind of man he was. Lars and Monica settled down in Lewis Center, Ohio and Lars grew to enjoy his suburban life.

In September of 2005, Lars was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Lymphoma and went into remission eight months later. In September of 2006, Lars was diagnosed with ALL and AML Leukemia. Lars began the greatest fight of his life. With the love and support of so many people, Lars was able to fight and battle Leukemia like no other person could. You often hear when people pass from cancer that they were fighters, but Lars was different in that he gave the ultimate sacrifice to try to get well. The most difficult part of this illness was leaving the girls behind to be treated in Houston, Texas. Only Monica could really understand the anguish Lars faced in making such a decision. Such a sacrifice is made only by people with real courage and inner strength. Many of us will never understand the emotional and physical suffering Lars endured trying to get well.

To say Lars got a tough break would be an understatement. Although leukemia took his life, nothing took his spirit. Until the very end Lars had an opinion whether we liked it or not and he was able to get a few final insults in to some deserving medical staff before leaving us. Most importantly, everyone should know how much Lars loved the girls. To leave you all with a loving memory of him, the night before he passed the family was at the hospital and the girls had blown the latex gloves up as balloons. Lars was nearly unconscious but would hit the balloons back to the girls as much as he was able to play with them one last time. We should all be so lucky to have a dad like that.

Lars lost his battle with Leukemia on June 7, but he left this earth with so much more happiness and love than most people ever get a chance at. Lars was able to be finally at home when he passed with his family hovering over him driving him crazy one last time. We all take great comfort knowing he was able to be with us and his X box in the same room when his spirit left. There are a few things Lars would like us to learn from his experience and the main one is to appreciate your spouse and children. Lars knew that Monica was the person keeping him going through this difficult ordeal and she was always there for him and took exceptional care of him. You have Monica to thank for your extra time with Lars and he would want us to all be thankful to her.

Lars will be missed, but never forgotten. His energy, humor, integrity, and zest for life were contagious and will live on through so many of us that he was able to meet, know, and love. He left the best of him behind with his precious daughters, Savannah and Sorina. Finally, Lars is so thankful for all the love, support and sacrifice of his family and many friends gave during his illness. He was truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of love he received. Although he will be missed by so many of us as the days and years roll on, he would want us to enjoy life to the fullest and always take the high road with one another.

Goodbye for now Lars, we love you and you will always be with us in our hearts.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Continuing the Fight

I’ve decided to keep the blog up with the hope that some of the information that was originally compiled in support of Lars may be helpful to others who are fighting the battle against Leukemia. Lars fought a valiant fight, so it’s important that we all honor his legacy by continuing to spread the word about the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) registry. I think it’s something that he would have wanted.

Please consider testing and inclusion in the NMDP registry if you have not already done so. The donor that was found for Lars didn’t come from his circle of friends & family (because a match couldn’t be found), but rather from a Good Samaritan that had registered out of consideration for those fighting Leukemia.

There’s no doubt in my mind that Lars would have been first in line to register himself, had he been faced with the same request.

Please also consider a donation to Savannah & Sorina's educational fund. Checks made payable to "The Savannah & Sorina Larsen Education Fund" may be sent to:

   Savannah & Sorina Larsen Education Fund
   Fifth Third Bank
   Lewis Center Branch
   8877 Owen Field Dr.
   Powell, OH 43065

I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you that assisted in Lars’ cause. Difficult circumstances tend to expose ones true colors and this experience certainly demonstrated that Lars was surrounded by people of impeccable character. It has certainly been a privilege to meet and get to know many of you.

Respectfully yours,

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Service Information

Here is viewing and services information for Lars:

1) Viewing will be held on Monday, June 11th from 2 to 4pm and 6 to 8pm at Rutherford Funeral home on 515 High Steet, Columbus [Map]

Please note: The original address (2383 N. High Street was erroneous)

2) Services will be held on Tuesday, June 12th at 10am at St. Patrick Church, 280 North Grant Ave, Columbus [Map]

The family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to Savannah & Sorina's educational fund. Donations can be sent to:

5th 3rd Bank
Lewis Center Branch
8877 Owen Field Dr.
Powell, OH 43065
Attn: Savannah & Sorina Larsen Education Fund

Makes checks payable to "The Savannah & Sorina Larsen Education Fund"

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Goodbye Friend

It saddens me to pass on to everyone that Lars lost his battle earlier this evening. I received a phone call from his brother Nels, who was with him in Columbus when he passed away. On Sunday, the doctors in Texas concluded that the Leukemia had returned and that they had exhausted all medical options to help him fight the disease.

From what I understand, Lars decided that he wanted to be home to spend his final days, so they packed up and returned to Ohio earlier this week. After spending a day or two in hospice care, they moved Lars back home where he was most comfortable.

Several of Lars’ friends and I had planned to travel to Columbus on Friday to pay one last visit, but unfortunately we missed our opportunity. We are still planning on making the trip so that we may say goodbye.

I’ll try to post information regarding services, should Monica want to make them public. I’m not sure how the family wishes to deal with guests and condolences, but I will make every attempt to communicate their wishes here once I have a chance to talk to them on Friday night when I arrive.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Lars Update: 6/3

I spoke with Monica this morning. She said Lars is now in the intensive care unit at MD Anderson. He is still in need of white cell transfusions, so if you are in or around Houston, or if you know someone who might be willing to donate, he is still in need of your assistance.

Monica is also going to be filing an appeal to the State of Ohio Insurance Commissioner, in lieu of Lars rejected insurance claim for his bone marrow translplant. I mention this here as a long shot attempt to get this recognized by someone who might have some connections with this government agency. It's unbelievable to think that anyone would deny an insurance claim for a life saving medical procedure, but here we are. Make sure you think of that the next time you cast a vote a politician at any level.

More to come as it becomes available.
